The Power Of The Holy Spirit In Prayers

Hello Friends, our warmest greetings to you. May the fullness of God’s grace abound towards you today, so that you can have all sufficiency in all things and an abundance for every good work. Amen. May He help us today to examine the Power of His Holy Spirit.

God’s Power
God is always surrounded by His divine power, which is sometimes referred to as His glory. As such, wherever He chooses to manifests Himself, His power manifests and fills that place. When the scriptures say that “the power of the Lord was present to heal
them.” (Luke 5:17), it is referring to this kind of power.
       If you have been born of God, know that you have been filled with the power of God, and that you can live a life of power. From the moment of your salvation, you were born to walk and live in divine power. This is power to enable you crucify sinful passions of the flesh so that Christ Jesus may live in your heart. It is power to enable you find joy in prayers so that you can stay focused in the things of God and be successful in life. It is power to impart boldness into you so that you can bring the joy of God’s salvation into other people’s lives. It is power to enable you prosper in the works of your hand; creating and retaining wealth easily. It is power for your divine protection; protecting you and your loved ones from principalities, evil powers, rulers of darkness, and demons. Yes, God’s divine power is available for you to defeat any difficult situation that you may be facing.

The Holy Spirit And God’s Power
Now, the source of divine power is the Holy Spirit of God, and He uses the words of God to exercise this power. That is why the words of God are together the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:18), and is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). When we speak and act on the words of God, it is the Holy Spirit who causes those words to become active and to be fulfilled for us.
       The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son [Jesus] and the Holy Spirit). He is the only member of the Trinity who is physically here with us on earth. A measure of Him lives in every saved person. He plays very important roles in our lives. Here are just four: Firstly, The Holy Spirit serves as a seal that the person in whom He lives, is a born-again child of God, equipped with divine power and authority. Secondly, He teaches us the words of God so that when we study the scriptures, we can know and understand them much more than when we use our human intellect alone. Oh what a mighty blessing it is to be taught by the One who Himself wrote the scriptures using the hands of the Prophets and Apostles. Thirdly, as our helper, he helps us not only to fulfill God’s will for our lives, but also to accomplish the works of our hands; whether it be a job or a business. Fourthly, He presents our prayers to the Father, and manifests His answers to us. It is this forth role that we want to expand on a little bit more.

The Holy Spirit In Prayers
The Holy Spirit plays a very important role in making our prayers powerful and effectively (an effective prayer is one that draws answers from God). Here is how the bible describes this role:
“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the
mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27).
From this scripture, and from what we’ve already learnt, we can make the following statements:
1. Without the Holy Spirit, we are weak because we do not know what to pray for. Often, we know what we lack and want. But we don’t know why the lack exists. As such we cannot make the right requests to God.
2. The Holy Spirit helps us to overcome this weakness so that our prayers can be effective.
3. He does this by praying for us(makes intercession) according to the will of God.
4. He prays for us by Himself using His own language; a language which we cannot utter.
5. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit can also intercede for us through our own mouth (Matt. 10:20).
6. Because God’s word is the sword of the Spirit, when we use scriptures to pray, the Holy Spirit acts upon the words to intercede for us, or uses the authority given in the word to fight battles for us.
So, with the Holy Spirit, we do have a Friend, a Teacher, a Partner and a Mighty Intercessor, and a Confidant in prayers. He is able and willing to kindle our own prayers with fervency and power, pray for us through our own prayers, pray for us on His own using His own language, and act upon the words of God that we speak so that God’s promises can be fulfilled for us . When He has done these, our prayers become powerful,
fervent and effective; which are the kinds of prayers that God answers (James 5:16). When God is answering our prayers, we are surely in good shape. The power of God is working effectively for us. Whatever needs or threats arise, just pray earnestly and believe God. While praying, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. God will surely answer you.

Our Prayer For You
May the ears of the Almighty God always be opened to all your prayers. May His Spirit always intercede for you according to His will. May He always answer you and grant all your good requests in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Remain blessed.