How To Increase Your Faith

Hello Friends. It is a great pleasure to write to you again. I pray that it is well with you. May the Almighty God fill you with strength to rise up and overcome any problem that you may be facing. Amen. Let us continue to discuss more practical aspects of faith to power up our daily living.

Why You Should Increase Your Faith

Faith is absolutely essential for daily power living. It is the only thing that enables us to access God’s blessings. Without it, it is impossible to receive anything from God (Heb 11:6), unless He simply gives it to you by mercy. Even though Jesus declares that, with just a little faith, we can achieve even such great things as moving mountains, in reality, it is not our little faith that moves mountains. Rather, it is the great faith resulting from our efforts to grow our little faith. Miracles always happen at the moment when our little faith transitions to great faith. With our great faith, we can directly draw answers from God to our prayers just as the biblical example of the woman with a blood-flow disease (Mark 5:25-34). Also, God in appreciation of the great faith, will answer our prayers right away just as He did in the many examples in the bible (Matt 14:25-31, 15:22-39). It therefore pays to make serious efforts to increase our faith. In due time, we shall reach a point where our faith is always great and God is always answering our prayers fast.

How You Can Increase Your Faith

When we considered what is written in the bible about faith in God, we see that our faith can be increased in two ways:

1. Through hearing and studying God’s words.

2. Through spiritual strengthening by the Holy Spirit.

Once we know these truths, it is no longer rewarding to keep praying that God increase our faith. Rather, we should act on the truth as God says. In fact, when the Apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith, Jesus’ reply was no. His answer, instead, implied that they themselves should work at increasing the little faith that they already had (Luke 5:17).

Increasing You Faith Through hearing God’s Words

The scriptures declare: “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom 10:17). By this we know that when we hear the words of God, our faith in Him automatically increases. This scripture is a declaration of a spiritual law or fact: that the faith of anyone who attentively hears God’s words will increase; whether he is a Christian or not. The word “hearing” is used figuratively to represent learning God’s words by

studying or listening to it. So, schedule time daily to study and/or listen to the words of God, and watch your faith and inner strength grow. You’ll sure be happy with the results: Fast answers to your prayers.

Increasing Your Faith Through The Holy Spirit

Again, the bible declares:

“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ….that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through

faith; …… that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” Eph 3:14-19(abridged).

       After carefully considering what is written here, we’ll see that Paul is praying for us that the Holy Spirit strengthens our own spirit with spiritual power (might) so that our faith can increase to a level where the fullness of Christ Jesus can dwell in our heart, and that we can know Him fully. When the fullness of Jesus dwells in us, there shall be no limit as to what we can achieve daily for God and for ourselves. Why? It is because, our fleshly self shall be dead and Christ Jesus alone shall be alive in us doing His will through us. We’ll ask whatsoever we desire, and it shall be done for us. Here is how the bible expresses this situation: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God…” So, instead of praying that God increase our faith, we should daily pray the Father that the Holy Spirit strengthens our own spirit with might. When God answers this prayer, our faith shall continually increase, and our daily living shall become easier. God willing, we shall discuss how to apply this great faith to consistently get positive results for daily power living.

Remain blessed.