The Ultimate Source For Powerful Daily Living

Hello Friends, grace and peace to you. Thanks once again for taking the time to share God’s words with us. Today, we shall learn how to use the power in God’s Divine Life for a successful daily living.

God’s Divine Life As Your Ultimate Power Source For Daily Living

Divine life is a spiritual force that is found in God alone. God alone is able to impart it into human beings. This life is the ultimate source of power for daily living, and according to Jesus, an abundance of it is available to anyone who wants it: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

God is extremely powerful, and the life force that is in Him is also extremely powerful

When He created human, He breathed a measure of His life into him so that the human became a living soul. What this means is that God’s life force enabled the human to express not only a natural life, like animals, plants and other living creatures do, but also to express a divine life just like God does. When God’s divine life enters a person, it enables him to express attributes that are manifestations of God’s divine powers working in him. For example, the person can live forever. He can live a life full of holiness, righteousness, peace and power. He can overcome all the ills that befall us in today’s world.

Divine Life Is Linked To Your Salvation

Unfortunately, the human being whom God created made a grievous mistake by defiling himself with sin. As a result, he lost the divine part of the life that God breathed into him, and henceforth, he could only live in the natural and became confined to the limited capabilities of natural life. Subsequently, all humans lost the power of divine life, and as such, the ability to overcome the pains, sorrows, grieve, disease, sadness and all the bad situations that trouble us because of sin entering the world.

       But rejoice, there’s Good News! – God came to the rescue and get us out of this predicament: He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to come to earth and to make Himself a sacrifice for the sins of all people; which was the price that was required to pay for the forgiveness of our sins. Whoever now hears this good news (or gospel), and decides to believe in Jesus Christ, is then forgiven of all his sins and is filled with God’s Holy Spirit who then helps him to regain his divine life. The process of his salvation has begun.

God’s Divine Life In You

Once the Holy Spirit has come in, He begins a powerful and permanent transformation in you: The Holy Spirit supernaturally washes, regenerates and renews your weak spirit to create a new person out of your old self. Furthermore, He quickens your body with divine life, which eventually will spring forth into everlasting life according to scriptures: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you” Romans 8:11, and John 4:14. In this way, God imparts His nature and divine life into you so you can live in righteousness, holiness and power.

God’s Divine Life Working In You

God’s intention is that the divine life that He imparted into you enables you to live like Him: That is, the divine life is expected to enable you think righteously just as God thinks righteously, talk righteously just as God talks righteously, be fully faithful just as God is fully faithful; be fully understanding and wise just as God is fully understanding and wise, etc. He who does these things is able to manifest much of God’s power, and is quite fruitful in what he does.

       Furthermore, it is God’s divine life in you that enables you to exercise your God-given authority with success. For example, God says: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” It is only when divine life is flowing and bubbling inside of you that you can successfully exercise this authority over satan and his demons.

You Can Stir Up Your Divine Life

Daily stir up this life by letting the words of God abide in you, and always praying with fervency. Then release the life to affect the situations that you face as follows:

1. Are you sick or ill? Then pray first, and afterwards rebuke the sickness in the name of Jesus and believe. The illness should leave.

2. Are you being attacked by the powers of darkness? Then bring them before God and pray for judgment against them, and then rebuke them in the name of Jesus. They should obey you and leave.

3. Is your life being threatened by natural forces, accidents, etc? Then rebuke them in the name of Jesus. They should obey you and stop, just as the winds and the waves obeyed Jesus (Matthew 8:26-27).

4. Are you lacking in material goods? Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you figure out the cause. Pray and take the act of faith to break that cause. Pray further and speak blessings and abundance to the works of your hand, and it should obey and yield more fruits to meet your needs.

5. Even in the ordinary things of earthly life that you seek, such as a job, love, peace, support, etc, stir up your divine life, pray, and speak to these things, and they should obey and come to you.

Let Us Pray

May the Lord cause more of His divine life to flow freely into you, and may He help you to stir it up daily and apply it to achieve daily power living. Remain blessed till next time.