Why You Need Jesus

There are two main reasons that you need Jesus in your lives:
1. Jesus is the only One who can help you escape the deadly consequences of sin.
2. Jesus can help you succeed in whatever you do in life without loosing God’s eternal blessing.

Let us look at these two points closely.

1. You Need Jesus to Deliver You From the Deadly Consequences of Sin.
When a person breaks the laws of God, He offends God, and that is called sin. Of all the problems that people face in this world, sin is the most serious. Sin that has not been forgiven carries devastating and deadly consequences for the sinner. One of these consequences is that, the sin gives satan the authority to afflict the sinner with severe bondages resulting in sicknesses, diseases, poverty, spiritual oppression, and even untimely death. Indeed, satan using the auspices of sin, controls governments of the nations of the world, and through them, has brought all kinds of sufferings and injustices to people.
       But the most devastating consequence is that the sinner’s spirit is separated from God. This cuts of the everlasting life of God from flowing into him or her. Without the life of God flowing in us, we are simply dead to God and bound to suffer terribly in hell with satan. If the sinner dies non-forgiven, his separation from God becomes irreversible; ensuring that he or she will suffer in hell forever. 
       Whether you believe in the destructive power of sin or not, the truth remains that unless you insure that your sins are forgiven, these consequences will afflict you even in a more terribly and permanently way after you die. There is a judgment that will bring condemnation upon those whose sins were not forgiven during their lifetime on earth.
       Only Jesus and God His Father can forgive sin; no one else can. Anyone who truly believes in Him and asks for the forgiveness of his or her sins, is forgiven and delivered(saved) from the consequences of sin. 2000 years ago, God sent His Son, Jesus, to come to earth as a human being and bear all the penalties of sin for all people. For this reason, He suffered terribly as He took the sins of all people upon Himself. He paid the ultimate prize for sin by laying down His life for all people. Thus, He died and was buried. On the third day, He arose from the death to live again forever. Henceforth, whosoever believes in Him, is forgiven of His or her sins and will live forever just as Jesus lives forever.

2. You Need Jesus to Help You Live a Successfully Without Losing God
The goal of just about every person is to be successful in life. Now, true success includes reaching notable achievements in both material and spiritual pursuits of your life. Jesus Christ is not only interested in your spiritual success, He is also interested in your material success.
What does the above fact mean to your life? It means that Jesus will help you make better choices that will bring success to whatever you are doing. It means that He can make a huge positive difference in your life when you are going through difficult situations. He can remove the situation so that you don’t have to deal with it, or He can fill you with great strength and assurance to go through the situation and come out a better and more refined person, toughened and ready to achieve greater things. All that you have to do is to trust Him always, and let Him guide you during periods of decision making. If any of the following situations speaks about you, Jesus can help:

Are you curious about God or do you want to know Him better?
Are you going through tough times? (Perhaps family conflicts, failing business, lack of job, poverty, etc…)
Are you ill or depressed?
Do You Feel Empty, Purposeless or suicidal?
Are You Rich And Want To Secure Your Wealth?
Are You Rich But Do Not Have God In Your Life?
Are You Poor And Would Like God To Enrich You?
Are you always thinking about doing bad things?
Are you threatened by powers of darkness?
Whatever your situation is, Jesus Christ can make a mighty difference for you. If you are convinced that you are already saved, visit the LifeLine pages to find articles that address your needs.
If YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU ARE SAVED, click below to begin the process now.